Up-Coming Events/Functions

(Up-dated: 11th February 2025)

This section of the website is where we will provide details of up-coming or on-going events.

2024/25  Pennant Teams:

This coming Saturday (15th February) sees the Qualifying & Elimination Finals being played.

The NABC had two of their Teams, the A4s and B3s, finish in the top 4 of their respective Division, and consequently earn the right to play in the ‘final series’. 

Both Teams will be playing in the Qualifying Final. The winner goes through to the Final, and the loser players the winner of the Elimination Final in next week’s Preliminary Final, with a second chance of progressing to the Final.

Below are this week’s Qualifying Teams; good luck, good bowling, and “Go Hoppers”

The results for Pennant will be found in the  “Bowls Results” section of the website. 

2024/25 Barefoot Bowls season:

The 2024/25 Barefoot Bowls season is now open. For enquiries and bookings please contact the Secretary on 0400 102 503 or see the “Play Bowls” section of the web.

Please note that because of Health and Safety considerations, children under 12 years of age are not permitted on the bowling greens at any time.

News – “Hopper Happenings”

This Section of the website is where we will place any relevant news items – so if you have any, including photos, please contact Col Johnson (Ph 0481 481 690 or Email to with the details, and we’ll endeavour to put them in!

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie; Oi, Oi, Oi

(Posted 26th January 2025)

The NABC earlier today celebrated Australia Day 2025, our National Day, with a couple of games of bowls followed by by a ‘scrumptious’ luncheon.

36 players participated in two 1-hour games of 2-bowls triples, which also attracted a number of (amused at times) spectators who chose to remain in the shade. Although it was hot, everyone enjoyed themselves, with plenty of friendly bantering, sledging and mocking amongst the players and teams, and occassionally from the spectators. ‘Nifty’ Wegener was once again a regular contributor and receiver, and looked resplendent in the (same) shirt he wore last year, although it appeared a “bit tighter this year”!!!!!

At the end of the day, the overall winners were Tim Hartwich and the Walsh brothers, Garry and Adam. Runners-up were (Sir) Bob Parks, Ralph Richards and Dallas Kotzur. 3rd place-getters were Peter Schneider, ‘Titch’ Webb and Harry Jacobs. Thanks to Secretary Frank for organising all the teams, games, etc., and checking/collating the cards.

The luncheon, thoroughly enjoyed by all, consisted of BBQ Lamb chops, expertly cooked by Kingy and Boothy; sliced cold roast lamb; and a vast variety of salads prepared by Jenny, Gayle, Denise and Joanne – thanks Ladies. A couple of pavlovas and some fruit platters were also provided.

Thanks to Gayle Pantling and Col Johnson for decorating the Clubrooms; it was great to see all the Aussie flags, balloons and streamers, and the big poster/map of Autralia “says it all” – see the photos.

Of course no social function would be complete without the obligatory raffles, which were included in the entry fee for the day. The winners of the Cafe’ Borella vouchers were Ashley Heinjus and Col Johnson, whilst the $20 cash winners were Lily Ronan, Jenny Parks, Leon Forde, Jeanette Tuckwell and Denise Ronan.

Thanks to everyone for attending and joining in. A special get-well to Gayle Pantling, who had a ‘little turn’ last night and is recuperating in Hospital. And also congratulations to ‘Nifty’ and Lorraine Wegener who celebrated their ‘Diamond’ (60th) wedding anniversary last Friday.

Check-out the photos below. (Editor’s note: I think the first and last photos best sums-up what Australia Day is all about)

2025 Shag & Willo Memorial Trophy

(Posted 5th January 2025)

Earlier today, 30 intrepid bowlers ‘took on the heat’ in an endeavour to win the “Shag & Willo Memorial Trophy”. Both “Shag” (John Hegarty) and “Willo” (John Williams) are past Members, both Life Members, and “Shag” being Secretary between 2006 and 2017.

This year’s format was two games of 12-end 2-bowls Triples followed by a BBQ. Everyone appeared to enjoy themselves despite the heat, and there was plenty of friendly bantering and some sledging occurring, both between Teams and within Teams. 

 At the conclusion of play, Team Jones (Tim Kramer, Frank Guivarra and Phil Jones) emerged the winners with 28 Points. Runners-up, with 26 Points were Team Wegener (Alan Pantling, Bob Parks and Neville Wegener). Third place-getters were Team Delaney (Harry Jacobs, Dallas Kotzur and Richard Delaney) with 16 Points.

A big thankyou to Jenny Hutchinson, Jenny Wattie and Gayle Pantling for providing all the salads and performing the cooking. Thanks to Karyn for looking after the bar (which was very popular at games end). And Thanks to Frank and Mick Baz for co-ordinating and collating the cards.

Check-out the photos below.


2024 Christmas Soiree

(Posted 16th December 2024)

Yesterday saw approximately 60 people attend a Christmas soiree at the Clubrooms, which also provided an opportunity to thank and wish Garry Broad all the best in his retirement.

Garry has been our Greenkeeper for the last few years, however following a health scare recently, he decided to jump off the mower and roller and pursue an easier life in ‘retirement land’. Thanks very much Garry, and all the best wishes for you and Joy in your retirement.

Regarding the soiree, the Ladies, headed up by Jeanette Tuckwell, suggested a few weeks ago that we have a Christmas luncheon. This was readily accepted by the Club, and what a great day it was !!!! Well done to everyone who assisted, especially with the decorating – the rooms looked fabulous. And the roast lunch was delicious – thanks to the Ladies who assisted with the serving.

A number of raffles were won on the day including numerous hams, chocolates, a vegetable pack and five $20 cash payouts. The ‘lucky chair” prize was won by Gayle Sutton.

Bowls was also organised prior to the luncheon and approximately 30 took up the opportunity to get in a little practice, although the heat shortened many of the games.

Thanks to everyone for attending, and again, thanks to the Ladies for organising the day. Check-out the photos below.

Merry Christmas, and a happy and safe New Year.

2024/25 Club Championships

(First Posted 16th October ’24; up-dated 7 December ’24; up-dated 22 December ’24; up-dated 9 February ’25)

Posted: 16th October ’24

Last weekend saw the first of the NABC ’24/25 Club Championships, the Fours, being played. 9 Teams initially entered and was ‘whittled down’ to the final combatants: Team Nelson (Dee Hogan (L), Shirley Geddes (2nd), Garry Walsh (3rd) & Des Nelson (s)) and Team Delaney (Ian (Butch) Pantling (L), Allan Pantling (2nd), Des Bourke (3rd) & Richard Delaney (s)).

Team Delaney won the toss, but to no adavantage as Team Nelson won the first three ends, and then the 5th end, and was holding a handy 8/3 lead after 5 ends. However, Team Delaney rallied, and after 8 ends, the score was Nelson 8/6 up. Team Nelson then won 4 of the next 5 ends , and after 13 ends was leading 13/7. But Team Delaney again rallied, and after 16 ends they were only 1 shot  down with Nelson holding a 13/12 lead. But Team Nelson regained their composure, collecting 1 shot on the 17th end, and then another shot on the 18th, and final end, taking out the Championship 15/12.

Comments from the spectators included the “outstanding consistency of Butch’s game”, the solid bowling of Dee and Shirley, particularly in the early stages of the game until “their wheels fell off”, and Des Nelson’s last 2 bowls of the game. Congratulations Team Nelson.

Posted: 7th December ’24

Last Sunday week saw the ’24 Triples Club Championship Final played. This year’s combatants were Team Castles (Nick Murray (L), Scotty Ronan (2) & Jack Castles (S)) and Team Wegener. However, “Nifty” over-celebrated the Friday night before and fell off his “wobble-boots” and cracking a rib. Consequently there was a shuffle of players and the Team became Team Parks (Dallas Kotzur (L), Alan Pantling (2) and Bob Parks (S)).

Team Castles won the toss and took advantage, racing to a 5/0 lead after 3 ends. But Team Parks rallied, winning the next 5 ends and holding a handy 11/5 lead after 8 ends. Team Castles responded to take the 9th end, but Team Parks came back with a 2 on the 10th and 11th ends, and holding a very handy 15/6 lead after 11 ends. But not to be outdone, Team Castles won the next 4 ends, which included a 4, and after 15 ends the margin had been reduced to 1 shot. Team Parks collected 1 on the 16th and increased their lead to 16/14. However, Team Castles were not about to give up the game and the title, and according to my observer at the game, following a combination of some exceptional bowling by Jack and Parksy cultivating a couple of ‘pineapples’, Team Castles collected a 4 and a 5 on the 17th and 18th ends respectively, and the game was over. Team Castles then won the last end and the title, ultimately winning 24/16. Well done to both Teams on reaching the Final.

Posted: 22 December 2024

Earlier today saw the Club’s “A” Grade Singles Championship for 2024/25 played. This year’s finalists were Tim Hartwich and Phil Jones. To progress to the Final, Tim defeated Clarrie Klepiak and Bobby Gough, whilst Jonesy defeated Garry Walsh, Dave Mason and Jack Castles. Co-incidentally, both combatants are ‘skips’ in the Hopper’s A4 Pennant Team.

Tim won the toss, and both players placed their first shot within 150mm of ‘kitty’. However, Jonesy won the first 2 ends before Tim levelled with a 2 on the 3rd end. The game then became an ‘arm-wrestle’ for the next few ends, with Jonesy leading 5/4 after 8 ends, which he extended to 8/4 after 10 ends.

However, Tim retaliated winning 5 of the next 6 ends and holding a handy 13/9 lead after 16 ends. But “then along came Jones” winning the next 4 ends and retaining a 1-shot lead, 14/13, after 20 ends. Not to be outdone, Tim then proceeded to win 5 of the next 6 ends, including a 3, and going to a handy 20/15 lead after 26 ends, leaving the spectators wondering if Jonesy could respond and recover his composure like he did in last week’s semi-final.

Jonesy won the 27th end with a 1, then collected 3-shots on the 28th end, and we “had a game on”, with Tim holding a 20/19 lead, which he extended to 21/19. But Jonesy came back with a 2, and the scores were locked at 21/21 after 30 ends. The ‘tussle’ continued and scores were still locked at 23/23 after 33 ends. 

Most present expected the next end to be the last, and with Jonesy holding 3, but only needing 2 to win, and Tim having one bowl to come, he had to “kill” the end, which he did. Tim retained the mat, but both players got away reasonably on the re-played end, however, Jonesy prevailed, collecting a 2, and the title.

Congratulations to both players for a very entertaining game.

Footnote: with his win today, Jonesy joins with Garry Walsh in having the enviable title of winning all three of the Club’s Singles Championships – “A” Grade, “B” Grade and “C” Grade. Walshy won “A” Grade in 2009, “B” Grade in 2007 and “C” Grade in 2006.

Posted: 9th February 2025

Earlier today in hot and humid conditions, and the occassional bit of shade, the Club held its Pairs Club Champions Final. This year we had Team Davis (Nick Murray and Adrian Davis) take-on Team Jones (Tim Kramer and Phil Jones).

Team Davis won the mat, however Team Jones won the opening end with a 3. Team Davis immediately responded with a 4, and after 3 ends, the score was locked at 3/3; and it looked like we were in for a mammoth tussle. The 4th end head was very “tight” until Tim moved “kitty” back and close to the rink side boundary; and then Team Davis pounced, collecting 3 shots and going to a 7/4 lead. In hindsight, this was probably the game changer.

The next 4 ends were a bit of a tussle, with Team Davis holding a 10/6 lead after 8 ends. Team Jones tried “every play in the book” and some good bowling, but all to no avail as Team Davis adopted and applied a very consistent approach collecting 1’s and 2’s, whereas Team Jones could only collect the occassional 1. After 10 ends, Team Davis were leading 13/6, after 15 ends they extended it to 19/9, and after 20 ends had moved to a 23/13 lead, at which point Team Jones conceded defeat. Congratulations to both Teams on reaching the Final and providing an entertaining game.



(Posted 7th October 2024)

Yesterday saw the culmination of the Allen (‘Salty’) Ross Triples Tournament, which is  conducted annually on the long weekend in October. ‘Salty’ was a past Life Member of the Club who succumbed to MND in July 2019. He was a Club Champion in Singles, Pairs and Triples, and also represented the Club in Pennant – check out his achievements in the “Club Champions” section in the “About Us” section of this website.

This year we initially had 26 teams, but a late flurry saw an extra 4 teams which meant a bit of late, extra work for our score-keeper and co-ordinator, Col Johnson, but it all turned out OK in the end. The format again was 7 games of 12-ends over two days, with 4 games on Saturday and 3 games on Sunday. Aside from teams from within the Club, we had teams from the other two Albury Clubs as well as Wodonga, Gundagai, Wagga, Ganmain, Henty, Culcairn, Griffith, Chiltern, Junee, Narrandera and Leeton. 

This year we were also lucky enough to have Robyn Frohling, Salty’s sister attend and assist with the presentations – thanks Robyn.

Eventual winners over the weekend were Team Czuczman (Sarah and Shayne Mathieson and Danny Czuczman) with 6 wins/52 shots/54 ends. Runners-up were Team Hensel (David Moore, Daryl Lawson and Terry Hensel) with 6 wins/40 shots/49 ends. 3rd placegetter went to Team Burge (John Humphries, David Warford and Darcy Burge) with 6 wins/30 shots/51 ends. 4th place went to Team Castles (Mick Murray, Scott Ronan and Jack Castles) with 5 wins/38 shots/51 ends. 5th place went to Team King (Dale Mastenbroek, Max Scanlan and David King) with 5 wins/38 shots/47 ends.

There was also two awards for best performing team (not in the eventual major placegetters) on Saturday and Sunday. The Saturday winners were Team Ryan (Tim Ryan, Harry Logan and Blake Ryan) with 3 wins/32 shots/30 ends. The Sunday winners were Team Crow (Ray Moon, Rob Unsworth and Duane Crow) with 3 wins/26 shots/25 ends.

A lovely lunch, courtesy of the Glenroy IGA, one of our sponsors, was provided, and a big thankyou to Debbie Doolan, Gayle Pantling and Jenny Hutchinson for their marvellous work in serving it, and then cleaning up. Thanks also to Bar attendant Karen. A special thanks also to Garry Broad, Alan Pantling and Roy Dahmes in preparing the greens and surrounds.

Check-out the Photos !!!


“Hoppers” host “Big Morning Tea”

(Posted: 29th May ’24)

Last Sunday saw approximately 80 attend  a “Biggest Morning Tea” conducted by the local Cancer Council and hosted by the NABC. What a fantastic turn-up, and it was great to see so many in pink! There was lots of raffles and fund-raising activities, including 15 “silent auctions”; thanks to all the sponsors (check out the list in the photo-gallery below; and PLEASE SUPPORT them). Music was provided throughout the morning tea by Bill Baldock.

The organisers also arranged for two of the local Albury-Wodonga Cancer Centre ‘Breast Care Nurses’, Gabi Pulla and Robyn Goldsworthy, to give a presentation, which was really very interesting and informative. And of course, what would a morning tea be without delicious “goodies” to eat, and “my-oh-my” how scrumptious they were!!!

The day raised approximately $3,250, although they have been fund-raising prior to the day, mainly with a raffle for a trailer load of wood (which was won by Skye Hillier from Wodonga); raising in-total $4,505. And, all this will go to the Albury-Wodonga Cancer Centre – thanks to everyone  for attending and contributing to this worthy cause. If you couldn’t attend and wish to make a donation, don’t hesitate to contact Trudi on 0409 915 535.


2024 Easter Greenkeeper’s Tournament

(Posted 30th March 2024)

Earlier today saw 24 “Bunnies” disguised as Bowlers hopping around the NABC greens and enjoying a pleasant couple of games of bowls.

What started out as just having an Easter Raffle suggested by the Ladies Club eventuated into the Easter Greenkeeper’s Tournament. The format of the day  was  2 games of  12 ends of 2-bowls Triples. Thanks to Roy Dahmes and Richard Delaney for organising the draw and collating the scorecards.

At the conclusion of play, all enjoyed a great BBQ, complete with an array of salads, all cooked and prepared by President, Sir Bob; thanks Parksy.

And then prior to the results being announced, a number of raffles, mainly organised and donated by the Ladies Club, were drawn. Prizes include a $40 meat tray, two $25 vouchers from the Northside Hotel, a couple of 6-packs and numerous Easter Egg packages (delicately wrapped by the Ladies) and a couple of chocolate boxes. Winners of the raffles were spread amongst the attendees, and those who were lucky enough to have their number drawn out again, donated them back for a re-draw; thanks Folks.

The announcement of the winners then followed. Winners on the day with 2 wins/+8 were June Dod, Kos Kleefman and Nifty Wegener, each receiving $50 and a Perpetual Trophy donated by Richard Delaney. Runners-up with 2 wins/+3 were Kay Pressnell, Tim Kramer and Josh Huggins, each receiving $30. Third place-getters with 1 game/+3 were Di Ronan, Roy Dahmes and Richard Delaney, with each receiving their entry fee ($20).

A big thank-you to Richard Delaney for donating the trophy and $200 towards the prizemoney.

See below for photos of the day:

2024 Pennant Season Wrap-up

(First Posted 25th March ’24; updated 21 May ’24)

The NABC’s 2024 Pennant season didn’t live up to the expectations envisaged, with only the Grade 6s progressing through to Zone. After losing a number of players to other Clubs and some for personal reasons, the NABC entered Teams in Grades 4, 5, 6 and 7. Selectors this season were Beau Greenway (4s), Roy Dahmes (5s), Mick Baz (6s) and Kevin Wild (7s); thanks Guys for volunteering your services to take-on these roles. The following is a summary of each Grade.

The Grade 4s: It was a challenging season for the 4s with a vastly different looking Team that yielded only one win. However there were a number of strong performances throughout the year and near-misses that could have painted a different picture. A narrow 7-shot loss at home to Holbrook in Round 1 was followed by a 3-shot defeat to reigning Grade 3 Premiers Henty, which was no mean feat on their “home turf.” Round 3 saw the clash with a “star-studded” Commercial Club Team that had posted two big wins to start their season; but the 4s held their own with two rinks losing by 2 shots or less in the 68-48 defeat. After a bye in Round 4, the 4s played the first leg of the “Salty Cup” in rememberance of the late Allen “Salty” Ross against Culcairn and went down by 21 shots, but ‘bounced’ back brilliantly in Round 6 with all rinks up in a 78-39 victory at Holbrook. The final three matches of the season saw the 4s beaten by 22, 21 and 23 shots respectively by more experienced Henty, Commercial and Culcairn combinations. Whilst it wasn’t a season to remember from a win-loss standpoint, many players gained experience playing in the top grade, which will help going forward.

The Grade 5s: The 5s started off their season well with a close home-game win over arch-rivals, Commercial Club. As the season progressed, the Team developed a pattern of playing well at home but struggled on away games, particularly on synthetic surfaces. Losing Round 6 (against Commercial) and Round 8 (against Walla Walla), and having the bye in Round 9, meant they had to defeat The Rock at The Rock, and on synthetic, in the last Round to progress. However, the opposition was too good on the day, with the final result dropping them back to 2nd position on the ladder and not progressing to the Zone play-offs. Over the season they played 15 players. Thanks to the three skips, Garry Broad, Ken Allen and Neville Wegener, and thanks to all the players for their input; “let’s bounce back next season.”

(Up-dated 21 May 2024)

The Grade 6s: The 6s had a good season getting through the 1st half of the season with only 2 losses, but still retaining ‘top spot’. The 2nd half of the season they experienced a ‘case of the staggers’ and going into the last game were 5 points behind Lockhart, and needing a win against Rand to ‘leap-frog’ over Lockhart (who had the Bye) and progress through to the Zone play-offs at Temora in late-April. Fortunately, they had a forfeit against Rand, who had unexpectedly beat them earlier in the season. The Team travelled to Temora feeling quite confident. The game against West Wyalong Services Club did not ‘go to plan’ with the “Hoppers” going down 49/73 and not progressing any further. Des (“Half”) Nelson’s Team could not ‘take a trick’ and went down 11/32. Team Baz also went down 17/24, whilst Stewie Ronan’s Team salvaged  a 21/17 win. West Wyalong went onto play Coolamon in the final, with the latter winning convincingly 78/46. Highlight of the day’s play was Peter Lyon ‘accidently’ playing team-mate John Eddy’s bowl three times. The Team and its entourage commiserated their loss Saturday night with Stakey being unanimously voted “laughs man of the night”. Please see photo gallery below of the Zone Playoffs.

The Grade 7s: The 7s were really looking forward to a successful season, however, after an un-expected first round loss at home to the Commercial Club, they were ‘shell-shocked’. But the Team rallied and began to ‘gel’, putting in some great games  together (with good results), although they experienced player availability throughout the season due to Covid and personal reasons. They also suffered two very close losses in Rounds 4 and 5 to Walla Walla and The Rock respectively. Their progression to the Sectional Final playoff hinged on the result of the last Round with both Teams (NABC and Holbrook) needing to win. Unfortunately the “Hopper” combination went down on the aggregate shots, although they won one rink. Thanks to the Ladies for helping make-up the numbers to field a team, and thanks to those who “filled-in” when needed.




2024 Australia Day

(Posted 26th January 2024)

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie – Oi, Oi, Oi

48 players and a few spectators celebrated Australia Day at the Club today with an organised bowls day and roast/BBQ’d lamb chops luncheon. Many of the participants went to great length to dress-up and celebrate the National Day. The format of the day was 2-bowls triples consisting of 2 games of 10 ends.

In the end, the decision for the three place-getters came down to percentage – all 3 finished with 2 wins and 15 shots. The winners, with each receiving $50, were the 3Ds – Dave Wilson, Dave Thomson and Dave Doolan. Runners-up, with each receiving a leg of lamb, were Lloyd Ronan, Wayne Norden and Stewart Ronan. 3rd Place-getters, with each receiving a Northside Hotel voucher, were Peter Lyon, Peter Quinn and Jodie Cooper. Well done to all who participtated.

Winners of the two $50 meat trays from Tony Hart Butchers were Phil Jones and Alan Pantling.

A big thanks to Jenny Hutchinson, Jenny Wattie and Brian Parks for cooking the legs of lamb. Thanks also to Jenny, her cousin Denise, and Leigh Booth for cooking the lamb chops on the barbie. Thanks to Gayle Pantling and the Parks brothers for preparing the salads. A special thanks to Gayle P and Col Johnson for decorating the clubrooms. Also thanks to Karen for looking after the bar, and to Frank Guivarra and his helpers for organinsing the draw, the cards and the collating thereof.

See below for photos of the day:

2023/24 Club Championships

(First Posted 14th January ’24; added 2nd March ’24; added 20th March ’24; added 21st April; added 29th May; added 23rd June ’24; added [final entry] 3rd July))

(Posted 14th January 2024)

Today saw the first of the 2024 Club Championships, the Fours, played in very hot conditions on a fast green. The competing teams were Team Wegener (Ralph Richards lead; Wayne Norden 2nd; Alan Pantling 3rd and Neville Wegener skip) and Team Parks (Lionel Loveless lead; Dave Mason 2nd; Roy Dahmes 3rd and Bob Parks skip). Team Parks won the toss, however roll-up was delayed as Parksy couldn’t find his ‘arm’ which mysteriously had hidden itself behind the Bowl’s Office door. Team Wegener got off to a good start , leading 8/1 after 5 ends. But Team Parks clawed its way back, and after 10 ends the score was locked at 9/9. The game then developed into a very enthralling event with the lead see-sawing. After 15 ends, Team Parks was leading 17/14, but Team Wegener regained their composure, snaring a 1, 1  and 3 on the next 3 ends and going into the 19th end with a 19/17 lead. Team Parks then got a 4, but Team Wegener rallied again to collect a 2, with both teams going into the last end locked on 21 a-piece. Mayso and Roy played their shots resulting in Team Parks holding 2, but Nifty’s first shot moved kitty from one side of the head to the other side but Team Parks still holding 2 shots. Parksy’s first bowl didn’t change things, leaving Nifty with the option of dislodging both the Team Parks shots and staying close to kitty, or moving and following kitty. Alas, only one of Team Parks bowls was dislodged, thereby giving the game and the championship to Team Parks 22/21. The game was played with a lot of friendly bantering and considerable sledging, particularly between the skips. Of special note was Lionel Loveless’ very consistent and excellent game. Well done to both Teams.

(Posted 2nd March 2024)

Last night saw a great tussle (and match) between Jack Castles and Josh Huggins for the “A” Grade Singles Club Championship for 2024. The game was a replay of last year’s “C” Grade Final. Josh won the mat and raced to a 7/3 lead after 5 ends. However, Jack rallied and after 10 ends, the scores were locked at 8/8. After 15 ends Jack had crept out to hold a 14/11 lead. But Josh regained his composure  and the scores were again level at 16 a-piece after 20 ends. The game then continued in a tight tussle with the score being 21 each after 26 ends. Josh then collected a 2, then Jack responded with a single and a 2, and after 29 ends Jack had a 24/23 lead, requiring one to win. Jack was holding 3 shots on the 30th (and ultimate last end) with Josh requiring to drive and dislodge the head and force another end, but to no avail. Josh’s drive removed one, leaving Jack with two and the Championship (26/23). Well done to both players on making the Final and providing a great spectacle of ‘tight’ bowling for the spectators to witness.

(Posted 20th March 2024)

Last Sunday (17th March) saw a mammoth day of bowls for the players participating in the Club Pairs as they had to play the semi-finals in the morning, and then the winners front-up to the final in the afternoon. The eventual teams competing for the Championship were Team Webb (Gary and Mark Mulcahy) and Team Balloch (Duncan and Adrian Davis). As it turned out, the game was a real tight ‘tussle’ up until the 13th end with the difference no greater than 2 shots. However, Team Webb opened a commanding lead after collecting a 1, 3 and 2 on the next three ends, and after 16 ends they were leading 18/9. Team Balloch came back with a 1 but then Team Webb rallied winning the next two ends to take them to a 21/11 lead after 20 ends. Team Balloch conceded defeat and called the game, giving Team Webb the Championship. Well done to both Teams.

(Posted 21st April 2024)

Earlier this afternoon saw the playing of the Club Triples Champions final between Team Jones (Scott Hartley (L), Tim Kramer (2nd) & Phil Jones (s)) and Team Webb (Simon Ried (L), Mark Mulcahy (2nd) & Gary Webb (s)). With such a ‘tight’ timeframe, Team Webb played their semi-final this morning, so they were in for a very long day! Team Webb won the toss and immediately won the 1st end with a 4. However, Team Jones rallied, winning 4 of the next 5 ends, and after 7 ends were leading 9/6. The 8th end saw a very tight ‘head’ with Skipper Webb ‘driving’ and ‘killing’ the end. This, in hindsight was probably the ‘turning point’ of the game as Team Webb collected 3 shots on the re-played end, and then won 3 of the next 4 ends, all with good scores, and going to a 18/10 lead after 12 ends. Team Jones closed the gap and were within 5 shots after 15 ends, but Team Webb then won ends 16-19 (inclusive) and the ‘damage was done’. Team Jones battled on valiantly, however after 23 ends conceded defeat with the score on 29/16 Team Webb’s way. The highlight of the day was probably the battle of the Leads, with Simon taking the honours in the 2nd half of the game, although “Brickie” should still be happy with his effort throughout. Well done to Team Webb on winning, but also to both Teams for an enjoyable game.

(Posted: 29th May)

Last Sunday saw the semi-finals and final of the Club ‘Handicap’ Singles. The combatants this year were Jack Castles (off -9) and Scott Ronan (off -5). Scotty won the toss and continued on his scintillating form from the semi-finals, winning 4 of the first 5 ends and taking the score to +1/-8. However, Jack responded winning the next 7 ends, levelling the score after 11 ends at 1/1. The next 6 ends were an ‘arm-wrestle’ with the score after 17 ends still level, with both on 6. The ‘tussle’ continued with Jack taking a slight lead; the score after 26 ends showing Jack in the lead 16/14. Then Jack collected a 3 and a 2 on the next 2 ends, and the game was over with Jack winning 21/14. Overall the game  was of a high standard, with a number of excellent draw shots by both players – well done Guys.

(Posted: 23rd June ’24)

This morning under very brisk, but sunny conditions, saw the Club’s 2024 “C” Grade Singles Championship played. The combatants this year were Tim Kramer and Harry Jacobs. Tim won the toss and raced to a very handy 12/0 lead after 6 ends thanks to a couple of 4s, although Harry wasn’t bowling badly. The next 6 ends were a “to and fro” affair with the winner alternating, and after 12 ends, Tim was still leading 15/4. Harry then won the next 5 consecutive ends and slowly bowled his way back into the game, however Tim still retained the lead on 15/9 after 17 ends. Tim then won the next 2 ends, but Harry responded. However, Tim’s 3 on the 21st end was probably the game winner (in hindsight). But not to be outdone, Harry proceeded to win 5 of the next 6 ends, and reduce the score after 26 ends to 22/16 Tim’s way. However, Tim “sensed” a victory and proceeded to collect a 2, and then another 2, to take out the game 26/16 (winner being first to 25). On recollection, if you ignore the first 6 ends, the game was a very close tussle with some very consistent bowling from both players – well done Tim and Harry.

(Posted: 3rd July ’24)

This year’s ‘B’ Grade Singles Championship turnt out to be an anti-climax, with the decision being decided by a forfeit. With a “tight” time schedule to complete, the two ultimate contenders were Scott Ronan and Alan Pantling. Scott defeated George Elliott in the first round and then Scott (“Brickie”) Hartley in the semi-final, whilst Alan defeated Tim Kramer in the first round and then Dave Mason in the semi-final. Unfortunately two days before the Final, Alan’s wife, Gayle’ had a serious accident, and Alan had to forfeit to Scott. However, congratulations to both players on making the Final, congratulations to Scott, and best wishes to Gayle for a speedy recovery.


Pre-Christmas “Ham Day”

(Posted 17th December 2023)

Following on from the Melbourne Cup Soiree’ (see story below), and in-lieu of the ‘regular’ Sunday Jackpot Bowls, a pre-Christmas bowls day was organised, which we lebelled “Ham Day”.

44 players, including 6 from the Ladies Club, enjoyed a very pleasant Sunday morning of bowls followed by a BBQ. The format of the day consisted of 2 games of 10 ends.

Four teams were successful in winning both their games with the place-getters being determined on winning shots. Eventual winners on the day, with each winning a ham, were Ralph Richards, Di Ronan and Duncan Balloch. Runners-up, with each winning a $25 voucher from the Northside Hotel was Col Johnson and Shirley Geddes. Third place went to Dave Limbrick, Lionel Loveless and Gary Walsh. Fourth place went to Rick Tindall, Kay Pressnell and Des Nelson.

The raffle winners of a ham each were Ralph Richards, Harry Jacobs, Jodie Cooper and George Elliott.

A VERY BIG thankyou to Jenny Hutchinson and Denise McMahon for cooking the BBQ, and thanks to Gayle Pantling for making the salads.

See below for photos of the day:

2023 Melbourne Cup ‘Soiree’

(Posted 8th November 2023)

Approximately 25 people yesterday attended a luncheon in the Clubrooms to celebrate Melbourne Cup. The day, organised by the Ladies’ Bowling Club also included a ‘social roll-up’ for those interested, which about half took up the opportunity.

All the Ladies looked resplendent in their fascinators, with George Elliott being overheard saying “there are a few naked birds currently walking the streets of Albury featherless!” Not to be outdone, Lloyd (Hoola- Hoola) Ronan added some dapperness to the day with his black velvet  bow-tie and hat. Joan Potter won the ‘Best Fascinator’ on the day and Lloyd won the best dressed man on the day – check out the photos!!!

The bowls, which was a 2-bowls Pairs format, took a slightly different and novel approach to determining the winners. On the 5th end, all bowls short of kitty were declared ‘dead’ and not used in determining the winner of that end, and on the 10th end, all bowls past kitty were declared ‘dead’. The last end was ‘reverse play’, which left Jeanette Tuckwell’s head still spinning in trying to explain it to the partricipants; basically the skips delivered their bowls in reverse order to the previous end, then the leads delivered their bowls in reverse order, then the lead of the team who had kitty for the second-last end delivered kitty – the winner of the end then being determined on positioning of each player’s bowls to kitty. The eventual winner of the bowls was the team of Jan Miller (lead) and Alan Pantling (skip), who each won a $25 Peards Cafe’ Borella voucher.

The author can also report that George Elliott retained his ‘wrong bias’ prowess by placing one of his last 2 bowls on the last end, two rinks over – well done George!!!!

Following the bowls, an incredible spread was provided by the Ladies, and this was followed by organised sweeps on each race up to and including the Cup.

From all accounts the day proved to be a very well-organised and fun day enjoyed by all. Based on its success, tentative arrangements are being investigated for a similar event just prior to Christmas – at this stage Saturday 16th December between 10am and 2pm is being looked at.


(Posted 29th October 2023)

Earlier today saw 48 players enjoy a pleasurable day of bowls, and take advantage of the beautiful weather vying for the annual Lester & Son Trophy. The format for the day was 2 games of 12 ends of 2-bowls Triples, and competition was very keen if the banter heard throughout the day was any indication.

This year was the 60th consecutive year  (aside from the COVID years) that Lester & Son have sponsored this event, and the Club extends its sincere thanks to Darren Eddy and his Team for the continuous sponsorship – very much appreciated !!!!

Eventual winners of the day were Di Ronan, Matt Hartley and Alan Pantling with 2 wins/+27. According to sources, Lead Di had an outstanding day, Matt provided the consistent verbal support, and Al managed to ‘snag’ a couple of RTs and take a few opposition shots out, particularly in the second game.

Runners-up with 2 wins/+16 were Tim Kramer, (guest from Phillip Island) Pat Ryan and Wayne Norden. Third place-getters with 2 wins/+10 were Keith Martine, Lloyd Ronan and Scott (“Brickie”) Hartley.

The lucky Lead, Second and Skip winners for the day went to Kay Pressnell, Peter Lyon and Richard Delaney respectively.

A coincidence never to be repeated or highly unlikely to occur in the future would have to be 2 skips in the one game on the same end delivering a wrong bias – bet you can’t do it again Garry Broad and Des Nelson!!!

A big thanks to Dooley and Frank for manning the bar, and a special big thanks to Jenny Hutchinson and her cousin Denise McMahon for doing the BBQ (especially at such short notice).



(Posted 8th October 2023)

Last weekend saw the NABC conduct its’ annual Allen (‘Salty’) Ross Triples Tournament. ‘Salty’ was a past Life Member of the Club who succumbed to MND in July 2019. He was a Club Champion in Singles, Pairs and Triples, and also represented the Club in Pennant – check out his achievements in the “Club Champions” section in the “About Us” section of this website.

Following the torrential downpour early in the week there was much speculation as to whether we would be able to conduct the event this year. But with some good drying weather late in the week and some hard work by our Greenkeeper, Gary Broad, and the Maintenance Team (led by Mick Baz, Des Nelson and Roy Dahmes), we went ahead.  This year we had 24 teams register, but 2 late withdrawls saw 22 teams finally participate, including a number from NABC as well as other district teams, a team from Kiewa and one from Wodonga. The format was 7 games of 15 ends  of 2-bowls triples, with 4 games scheduled for Saturday and 3 games for Sunday.

All games were played in a very friendly, but competitive atmosphere, with plenty of verbal support and the odd bit of bantering.

Eventual winners over the weekend with 6 wins/1 draw/+29 shots was Scott (“Brickie”) Hartley, Bobby Gough and Tim Kramer – although they had to “pull something out of the hat” in the last game when they were well down half-way through. Runners-up with 6 wins/+73 shots was the team from Wodonga consisting of Mason Baylis, Ray Moon and David King. The Ladies team from Kiewa consisting of Jude Bartel, Carol Fair and Deb Carothers came 3rd with 5 wins/+61 shots. 4th Place-getters were Gary Webb and the two young fellas in Scott Ronan and Jack Castles with 5 wins/+38 shots. Best performing team in Round 6 (and not in the top 4) was Garry Broad, Ken Allen and Clarrie Klepiak.

A big thankyou to our major sponsors DLG, Northside Hotel, IGA and Tony Hart’s Quality Meats of Lavington.

A big thankyou to those hard-working ‘behind-the-scene’ people, including Frank and Karen behind the bars, Laura Stephens (assisting Saturday lunch), Scott King for cooking the BBQ, Col Johnson for doing all the recording and various others who helped out at various times over the weekend.

Check-out the Photos !!!



(First Posted 1st February 2023; Up-dated 6 February; Up-dated 15th April; Up-dated 5th June; Final Up-date 16 July.)

Those present at the “A” Grade Singles Championship witnessed a very high calibre, evenly contested game between the two Daniels – Markham and Czuczman. The biggest margin all day was no greater than 2 shots and remained so until near the very end. After winning the mat, DM won the first end, but DC responded and won the next, with the mat alternating between the two. After 7 ends , DC led 7/5. DM then won the next 2 ends to be leading 8/7, and was holding a couple of shots on the 10th until DC ‘drove’ with his last bowl, splitting the head and picking up 2, to go into the 11th end leading 9/8. The 11th end saw DM holding shot but DC again ‘drove’ with his 3rd and ‘killed’ the end. The game continued in an enthralling see-sawing manner, and after 15 ends DM led 12/11. And after 18 ends it was ‘all square’ on 14 apiece. DC then collected 2s on 19 and 20, but DM responded collecting a 2 and a 3, and after 22 ends DM led 19/18. DC won the next two ends (23 and 24) and was holding 3 shots on the 25th, however with his last bowl, DM responded and went from 3 down to 3 up and was leading overall after 25 ends, 22/20. DM went onto win the 26th end , and then followed it up with a 3 on the 27th (and last) end to take out the match 26/20. Well done to both players on a great game.


The “B” Grade was played between Simon Ried and Ralph Richards. Ralph got off to an early lead picking a couple of ones, then a couple of 3s and established an early lead, which Simon was unable to close. Ralph wento onto win 25/12. According to Ralph, he “had a good, consistent day”, whilst the Editor’s sources commented that “Simon had an off-day”

The “C” Grade was played between Dayle (Jack) Castles and Josh Huggins. The game started out a very close struggle with both players picking up ones. However, around the 8th end Jack collected a couple of 3s and a 4 and took a commanding lead. But Josh rallied and collected a 4, then some singles, and started “pegging” Jack back. But the lead was too big and Josh had to try a few ‘drives’, but all to no avail, and Jack went onto win 25/15.

This year’s ‘Handicap’ Singles was between Club newcomer, Gary Calder (off -6) and Danny Czuzcman (off -10). The game was played early last Friday (due to Danny’s work committement). Gary managed to read and take advantage of the greens and was off to an early lead, and “built” on his lead racing to a 20/3 lead before Danny started gaining his own and gradually building on his score, and closing the gap. However, the gap was too large and Gary finally recorded the elusive last one shot and went onto win 21/11.

Well we finally had a sufficient break from wet weather to allow the greens to dry-out and permit the last of the 2023 Club Championships, the Pairs, to be played today (16 July). The combatants this year were relatively new Members Jack Castles (s) and Wayne Norden versus long-serving campaigners Troy Campion (s) and Bob Parks. Team Castles won the toss and the first end, and after 3 ends requiring measuring and umpire advice, Team Castles was up 3/1. However, Team Castles collected a 4 on the 4th end, a couple of 1’s and then a 3 on the 8th and 9th ends, taking the score to Castles 15/2 after 9 ends. Team Castles continued on winning ends, and after 15 ends were 20/4 up. However Team Campion ‘knuckled down’ and collected a 3 on the 16th and 17th ends, and their confidence grew. But Team Castles responded with a 3 on the 19th and were 23/14 up. However, Team Campion were still enthusing with confidence and won the 20th end, and were still ‘mathematically’ in the game requiring an 8 on the final end to force a play-off. The head was ‘tight’, but required Troy to ‘kill’ the end, which he did, to continue the game. Parksy took the mat and tried for a short end, but unfortunately he put kitty in the ditch and Norden then placed the mat for a long end, which they had been winning all day, and the battle was on. However, Team Castles retained their composure, picked up 4 and went onto win 27/15. The game itself turned out to be a ‘titanic battle’ going nearly 4 hours, and with all ad-judging Wayne Norden as being the most  consistent all day, particularly his long ends.

After continuous wet weekends and player availability, we were finally able to conduct this year’s Triples and Fours Club Championships yesterday, 4th June.

The Triples were between Team Broad (Steve Martini (L), Dan Markham (2) and Stephen Broad (S)) and Team Hartley (Jack Castles (L), Richard Delaney (2) and Scott [“Brickie“] Hartley (S)). Team Broad got off to a ‘flyer’ going 10-0 after 5 ends with Steve Martini leading well. Then “Brickie” got his Team ‘on-the-board’ with 2 great up-shots dragging jack back to his back bowls, picking up multiple shots, and reducing the score to 12-9 down. Team Broad then took control of the match with their continued plan to play short ends, going out to an unreachable lead with Dan Markham playing outstanding bowls as 2nd in Team Broad. The result was then put to rest when Stephen Broad played an unbelievable drive which took out “Brickie’s” shot bowl and moved jack where he picked up the shot. Team Hartley tried hard all game but the continued consistency of Team Broad saw them call the game off after 22 ends winning the Triples title 32-12.

The Fours Final turned out to be a ‘titanic tussle’ between Bobby Gough’s Team (including Ronnie Boughton (L), Wayne Norden (2) and Dave Mason (3)) and Tim Hartwich’s Team (including John Eddy (L), Phil Hutchinson (2) and “Brickie” Hartley (3)). 

After winning the toss, Team Gough won the first 2 ends, but Team Hartwich won the 3rd end and tied the score up at 2/2. The game was a see-sawing game until the 8th end when Goughy drove the jack to just short of the ditch and collected 4 shots. However Team Hartwich rallied picking up 3 on the 9th end, and taking the score to 9/9. The game continued in an intense manner and was still 11/11 after 12 ends. Goughy’s Team won the 13th and 14th, and were holding shot on the 15th until “Brickie” drove and ‘killed’ the end. Team Hartwich won the replayed 15th and moved to be 13/12 down. However, Team Gough regained their composure and won the next 3 ends taking the score to 18/12 their way after 18 ends. On the 19th end, Skipper Gough’s instructions for a short end were lost when Ronnie Boughton put the jack in the ditch. Opposing Lead, John Eddy, took the mat and made a long end. The head was tight and with his last bowl, Skipper Hartwich ‘drove’, picking up 2 shots and taking the score to 18/14 Gough’s way after 19 ends, but still in the game. Team Gough again steadied and won the 20th end. The last end again saw a very tight head, and again “Brickie” trying to ‘kill’ the end, but all to no avail, although they did pick up a shot. The final score was 19/15 Gough’s way. Overall it was a very good , close and entertaining game with numerous close, tight heads requiring much measuring. Well done to both Teams.


(Posted 11th May 2023)

Last weekend saw the last of the “Hopper” Teams (the Grade 5s) competing in the 2022/23 Zone 8 Open Pennant Competition. After a break in pennant competition in 2021/22 due to the ‘unification’ of Bowls throughout NSW, the competition resumed early in January 2023 in a slightly different format to the previous District/Zone format.

This new format saw the abolishment of ‘Districts’ and replaced by 6 new ‘Groups’ (A – F) within Zone 8, and pennant being administered centrally by Zone. The NABC was in Group A, which predominantly was the same as the former A&DBA, but with some additional clubs. The determination of ‘Group Champions’ in each Grade was slightly different this year, with the Club finishing top after the completion in their respective Grade of the season, automatically progressing to ‘Zone Finals’. However, with the number of clubs participating in Grades 6 and 7, each of these Grades was split into 2 Sections, with the top clubs in each Section of their Grade playing each other for the right to progress to the ‘Zone Finals’.

At the completion of the season, the following summarises the results and standings of each of NABC’s Grades:

– Grade 3 ….. finished 3rd

– Grade 4 ….. finished 4th

– Grade 5 ….. finished 1st

– Grade 6 ….. finished 1st (in Section 1)

– Grade 7 ….. finished 1st (in Section 2)

The Grade 5s finishing 1st (top) automatically progressed to the ‘Zone Finals’ which were played last weekend at Lavington in cold, blustery conditions. NABC came up against Leeton Soldiers in the first round and were defeated overall 55/61, although 2 of the 3 NABC Teams won their respective game. Because of the number of clubs competing and the format of the competition, this meant that NABC were eliminated. Leeton Soldiers went onto win the ‘Zone Final’ defeating West Wyalong 58/48.

Both the 6s and the 7s finished 1st (top) of their respective Section and played The Rock at Henty a few weeks ago to earn the right to progress to the ‘Zone Finals’. In both Grades the Hoppers came up against a far superior and formidable opponent and were ultimately eliminated from the competition (the 6s lost 42/79 and the 7s lost 37/84). In the ultimate 6s Zone Finals played at Wagga Wagga RSL Club, Batlow RSL defeated Temora Exs 66/52, whilst in the 7s Zone Final played at Young, Tumbarumba defeated West Wyalong S&C 65/58.

Well done to all Grades and Players, and let’s hope we can go further in each Grade next season.



(Posted 20th April 2023)

At its recent April meeting the Committee discussed and adopted a new Membership fee structure. A particular emphasis on the matter was to try and reduce the amount of on-going cash handling, particularly at pennant time and at the weekly social bowls events that are conducted, by introducing an alternative type of annual membership fee that incorporated these weekly cash transactions. See below for the new fee structure.

In accordance with the Club’s Constitution, the annual Membership fee is due and payable on the 1st July. The Secretary will be issuing notices to Members well in advance of this date.



(Posted 6th February 2023)

In-lieu of the usual Sunday Men’s Jackpot Bowls the NABC conducted a fund-raising day for Club stalwart Brett Furze (aka “Tractor” or “Nipper”).

“Tractor” was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour (he had one has a kid also) and was rushed to Melbourne for extensive tests, and ultimately a 6-hour operation. The Editor can report that the “Tractor” is now back in Albury Hospital, although not receiving visitors yet; we’ll keep you all up-dated via the Club’s email arm.

“Tractor” has been associated with the Club for 15+ years and is a regular player in the 3s Pennant Team. He is also a former Committee Member. Through bowls “Tractor” has established and accumulated an extended number of friends. Given his circumstances, especially young Noah, the Club thought it fitting that we try and assist one of own. However, word got around and there was an over-whelming push from these established friendships to be also part of the proposed assistance. Consequently, the Committee proposed, and the Members fully supported the proposal to have a fund-raising day in-lieu of our usual “Sunday Member’s Jackpot Bowls”.

Over 70 players rallied from far and wide and enjoyed a very enjoyable Sunday morning yesterday. The format of the day was one game of 2-bowls triples over 2 hours followed by a BBQ luncheon and a number of  raffles.

The Club would like to thank everyone for their participation and generosity. A very big thanks to those individuals and organisations that donated prizes for the raffles. Also thanks to those who contributed financially to the ‘pool’ established by the Club. Thanks also to Dan Markham and Eddie Simmons for doing the BBQ. We raised approximately $4,200 and the Club has ’rounded’ this off to $5,000.

Get well soon “Tractor”.

Photos of the day can be found below; just ‘click’ on the photos and they will enlarge, then use the left/right arrows to scroll through them.


(Posted 26th January 2023)

The NABC celebrated Australia Day with the holding of the “Shag & Willo Memorial Trophy”. Both “Shag” (John Hegarty) and “Willo” (John Williams) are past Members, both Life Members and “Shag” being Secretary between 2006-17.

This year’s format was two 15-end games of 3-bowl Pairs followed by the ‘good old Aussie sausage sizzle”. 44 Players entered and the day was organised/co-ordinated by Troy Campion and Roy Dahmes, with some expertise advice from “Turtle” O’Brien. 

From all accounts everybody enjoyed themselves and there was plenty of bantering, sledging, etc. occurring.  At the conclusion of play Scott (“Brickie”) Hartley and George Elliot emerged the winners with 2 wins/+31 shots. Runners-up were Scott Ronan and Gary Webb with 2 wins/+20 shots. Third place went to Lionel Loveless and Duncan Balloch with 2 wins/+10 shots.

“Resting Touches” were won by Jimmy Holland, Neville Wegener, Ashleigh Heinjus and Tim Hartwich.

Of course no NABC event could be held without the obligatory raffles. The $50 meat tray was won by Phil Schuster, whilst Jack Castles won the $25 meat tray. Alan Pantling won the $25 IGA Voucher, and Jo Calder and Garry Fair won the ‘Aussie Hats’.

A big thankyou to the organisers, the two Steves, Kenny Hanna and Frank for their ‘behind-the-scenes’ work. Also thanks to Dan Markham for cooking the ‘snags’. A special thanks to “Brickie” for ensuring at the end of the day that all the shade structures were up.

Photos of the day are below: just ‘click’ on the photo to enlarge, and then use the left/right arrows to scroll through them.



(Posted 25 December 2022)

At the November Committee meeting, Members discussed the establishment of an annual award to a Member of the Club in recognition for their input/work/etc to the Club. A perpetual trophy would be created and the Committee Members would conduct a ‘blind vote’ to establish the recipient. It was also proposed that the award be called the “Frank Tuckwell Club Award”; Frank was a past President and Life Member, and was a tireless worker and participant around the Club.

The inaugural recipient was announced by Club President, Steve Martini, at the final Friday Night ‘Members Draw’ prior to Christmas, and that was Mick Baz.

Frank’s wife, Jeanette, was present on the night and presented the Award to Mick – well done Mick!


(Posted 6th November 2022)

Yesterday saw 36 very keen bowlers take to the greens to participate in the annual 2REM Charity Day. The competition took the format of 3 games of 12-ends of 2-bowls triples, and was hotly contested with the games and a BBQ luncheon just getting completed before the ‘heavens opened up’ – see photo gallery below.

Three teams finished with 3 wins whilst two further teams finished the day with 2 wins and a draw.

Eventual winners on the day with 3 wins/21 shots were Gary Calder (s), Jo Calder and Lyn Hamilton. Closely followed in 2nd place was George Elliott (s), Ralph Richards and Col Johnson with 3 wins/20 shots. 3rd place-getteres were Gary Webb (s), Donna Smith and Keith Martine with 3 wins/11 shots.

The 2REM Team conducted a number of raffles on the day with Peter Fitzgerald winning the lucky door prize, and Ron Boughton, George Elliott and Ralph Richards winning the lucky chair prizes. 

A big thanks to the 2REM Day for the catering and prizes, and thanks to Leigh Booth and Ken Hanna for performing the cooking of the BBQ. Thanks also to Ken Hanna, Clarrie, Frank, Roy, Troy and Broady for their ‘behind-the-scenes’ work. Also, thanks to Dave Limbrick for collating and marking the cards.


(Posted 3rd October 2022)

Last weekend saw the NABC conduct its’ annual Allen (‘Salty’) Ross Triples Tournament. ‘Salty’ was a past Life Member of the Club who succumbed to MND in July 2019. He was a Club Champion in Singles, Pairs and Triples, and also represented the Club in Pennant – check out his achievements in the “Club Champions” section in the “About Us” section of this website.

This year saw 24 teams participate, including a number from NABC as well as other district teams, a team from Kiewa, and a team from Newborough (Gippsland). The format was 7 games of 15 ends  of 2-bowls triples, with 4 games scheduled for Saturday and 3 games for Sunday. However, the ‘heavens opened up’ mid-way through Games 4 (see photo for result of downpour), which meant Sunday’s schedule had to be adjusted to start earlier to allow Round 4 to be completed.

All games were played in a very friendly, but competitive atmosphere, with plenty of verbal support and the odd bit of bantering. To anyone walking past the venue, they would have come away with the impression that there must have been 50+ participants with the christian name of ‘Mate’.

Eventual winners over the weekend with 6 wins/+32 shots was Stephen Broad, Scott Ronan and Jack Castles. Runners-up with 6 wins/+23 shots was Geoff Holsworth, Tim Hartwich and Danny Czuzcman. The team from Culcairn consisting of Daryl Lawson, David Moore and Terry Hensell came 3rd with 5 wins/+59 shots. 4th Place-getters were Glen (Chocko) Harrison, Gary Kern and Darren Moore with 5 wins/+52 shots. Best performing team in Round 6 (and not in the top 4) was Gary Calder, Richard Delaney and Ralph Richards (who replaced the injured Phil Hutchinson from Saturday’s team).

A big thankyou to our major sponsors DLG, Northside Hotel, IGA (the 3 stores) and Tony Hart’s Quality Meats of Lavington.

A big thankyou also to our hard-working President Steve Martini and his trusty ‘side-kick’ Kenny Hanna, and also to Secretary Frank Guivarra for all their ‘behind-the-scenes’ work. Also thanks to the chefs of Sunday’s BBQ in Brian Hodda, Dave Mason and Ken Hanna. Thanks also to Roy Dahmes and Troy Campion from the Match Committee. And finally, a very big thankyou to Greenkeeper Garry Broad and the Maintenance crew led by Mick Baz, Roy Dahmes and Des (‘half’) Nelson who ‘took-on’ and beat the weather, and were able to provide us with excellent greens and facilities.


(Posted: 28 September 2022)

Following discussions at Committee and Executive-levels regarding the provision of the NABC’s catering services, it was decided to inform Members (and others) of the decision to be adhered to if, or when, a request is made to hold a function within the Club’s Clubrooms.

The resolution was:

“Any request made to the NABC for holding a private function at the Club, i.e. wakes, birthdays, weddings, etc. will only be accommodated by the Club on the basis that the “FULL CATERING” is provided.”


  • Room hire;
  • Set-up of the Room and Cleaning;
  • Full bar facility with Two (2) persons, holders of Certificates of Competency (RSA), serving during the function;
  • ALL food supplied by the Club Sponsor – Wilson Street Store; and
  • Music/TV monitors.

Catering packages at request (by contacting the Secretary). Select also the “Club Catering – Download” button below for more details.

2022 AGM

(Posted  1st September 2022)

The 2022 AGM held last Sunday (28th August) was attended by approximately 25-30 Members. After welcoming everybody, in particular noting Life Members present, President Steve Martini requested for Members to be up-standing to observe a minute’s silence  in recognition of Members and/or their spouses/partners who have passed in the last 12 months.

Steve then presented his Annual President’s Report. He informed Members that the Club was is in a financially strong position and that the Committee had focussed on being pro-active in offering our Members and visitors a well-structured and professional Club, and building on our membership base currently at 140+.  He then spoke on a number of other items before concluding his Report with a thankyou to the Committee and their respective wives and partners. A full copy of the President’s Report can be downloaded by selecting the download button below.

Treasurer, Clarrie Klepiak, then presented his report. He informed those present that he was “delighted” to advise of a substantial profit in 2021/22, despite the Club having to pay GST for the first time, not trading for 6 weeks due to COVID lockdowns, and the Club purchasing approximately $13K of new assests, including a new mower. He then highlighted a number of major income and expenditure items. Clarrie concluded his report by thanking the Members for their support.

The only other item of significance at the AGM was the adoption of a new Club Constitution. Secretary, Frank Guivarra explained the reasoning behind this: the Club Constitution has to (generally) align/comply with our state governing body, Bowls NSW Limited’s constitution which was adopted following the ‘unification’ process last year.


(Posted  1st September 2022)

Over the last couple of Committee meetings, bowls etiquette has been discussed. As a consequence, a Club Bowls Etiquette policy was developed. The policy was released late last week with all Members being informed via email, with the email also containing a letter from the President together with the policy. 

The policy has been added to the website in the “Code of Conduct” section of the ‘Governance page – just select the download button and the policy appears.

The Committee is also considering running a training/information session on the policy.


(Posted 17 May 2022/Up-dated 25 May 2022)

“Hoppers” trio, Eddie Simmons, Troy Campion and Steve Broad took out last weekend’s “Commercial Club Classic”.

This year was the 40th Year of the “Classic” and attracted 92 teams with a number from around the district as well as a number of teams from metropolitan Melbourne. The event was played over 2 days, 4 games on Saturday and 3 games on Sunday, with games being played at the Commercial Club, North Albury, Lavington and Wodonga.

The winning “Hopper” trio won all seven matches and edged out the Team skipped by Rutherglen’s Ian Baskett on shots up, 55 to 29. There was 9 six-games winners. 

Well done Guys, and to the organisers – great effort.



(Posted 24th April 2022)

A very pleasant day was held today to celebrate ANZAC Day. In-lieu of the ‘normal’ Sunday Men’s Jackpot Bowls a ‘Pairs Tournament’ was organised. 24 Teams participated plus a few spectators were treated to a great exhibition of bowling.

Prior to the competition commencing, President Steve Martini gathered those present around the flagpole and thanked everybody for attending and reminded us of the importance of remembering and celebrating ANZAC Day. He then called on Committee Member, Des Nelson (ex-Army R.A.R. 5 Battalion) to read the ‘Ode of Rememberance‘, which was followed by the playing of the ‘Last Post‘.

After 2 games of 12-ends, which was followed by a BBQ lunch, the eventual winners were announced. Winners for the day with 2 games + 26 were Stephen Broad and Troy Campion. Runners-up with 2 games + 24 were Steve Martini and Gerald (Turtle) O’Brien. 3rd Place-getters with 2 games + 12 were John Harrison and Rob Unsworth.

RTs for the day were won by Titch Webb, Alan Pantling, Dave Doolan, ‘Brickie’ Hartley, Dave Limbrick, Mick Day, Matt Hartley and Peter Schneider.

Winners of the raffles were Dave Brown (meat tray) and Clarrie Klepiak (6-pack).


(Posted 13 April 2022)

Last weekend NABC’s “Nipper” Furze teamed up with his mate, Darren Moore from Lavington, to play-off for the 2022 A&DBA “50 & Under Pairs” title at the Commercial Club rinks. Their opponents were other “Hopper” teammates, Stephen Broad and Beau Greenway. However, their opponents were always likely to be a “Hopper” combo as 14 of the 16 Teams entered were from North Albury.

The Furze/Moore combo were off to a ‘flyer’ going 10-1 up. But that “Hopper” persistence and determination ‘kicked-in’ and the Broad/Greenway combo fought back and took the lead 16-13. Not to be outdone Furze/Moore came back and went into the last end leading 18-16.

Furze/Moore were 2 down when “Nipper’s” last roll picked up kitty to get 2. Broady came down with his last bowl and put kitty in the ditch, but it went the wrong way and the Furze/Moore duo picked up 1 and won 19-16.

From all accounts the game was of a very high standard and could have gone either way. Well done Guys!


(Posted 29 March 2022)

Undoubtedly the highlight of the recent AGM (held on 20th March) was the awarding of Life Membership on two of the Club’s stalwarts, Wayne Price and Robert (Bob) Parks. On the announcement by Club President, Steve Martini, there was a standing ovation.

Wayne has been a Member of the Club since 1993 when the Club was known as the Albury Bowling Club, and played at Macauley Street in central Albury. His early participation was mainly in the Tuesday night Barefoot Bowls competition. Wayne has not only played bowls, but up until recently, was a regular handyman/Mr Fixit around the Club; two of his major projects were the construction of the retaining wall along the carpark at the “top” green and the paving under “Frank’s Retreat”. He was awarded the Club Merit Badge (Clubman Award) in the early-2000’s. Over the years he has won the ‘C’ Grade (in 2000) and ‘B’ Grade (in 2004) Club Champioships, the latter which coincidentally was marked by Bob Parks. He has also been a member of the Club Champion’s Triples and Fours in 2007 and 2008, and the Fours in 2009 and 2011. Wayne has regularly represented the Club in A&DBA Pennant winning four Premiership Finals in 2019 and 2021 in Grade 6 and two other years which he cannot recall the Grade/Year. However, his highlight has been winning the A&D President’s Reserve Triples in 2019 and 2020, and also being a member of the A&D Representative Team in 2018 which played at Young and won!

Bob joined the Bowling Club in 1978 when it was known as the Albury Bowling Club and was located in Macauley Street, central Albury. In his early days he represented the Club in the Border Bowling Association (BBA) and the Ovens and Murray (O&M) Pennant competition. In 1991 he moved to Wantirna, Melbourne, but returned to Albury in 2000 and rejoined the Club, which by this time had relocated to Bunton Park (but still retained the Albury name; this changed to North Albury in 2007). By this time the Club had left the BBA and the O&M and had joined the A&DBA, so consequently he resumed his Pennant playing in the A&D. Bob was President of the Club from 2004 – 2006 and had the honour of celebrating the Club’s 100 year anniversary when a commerative plaque was installed (in the existing Bowls Office/Locker room building) and unveiled by Mr. John Archer, President of the RNSWBA. Bob continued playing Pennant in various Grades and also participated in various Club events and Tournaments. Over the years he has won the Club ‘B’ Grade Singles Championship (2005) and has been a member in winning Club Championships as follows: 2011 Triples, 2017 Fours and 2021 Pairs. He also won the 2021 District Pairs Champion of Champions with Duane Crow. When interviewed for this article, Bob commented that he “was absolutely thrilled to be made a Life Member of the Club.”

BORDER CLUB CHALLENGE (BCC) – in-lieu of ‘Normal’ Pennant for 2021/22

(Posted 4 April 2022)

With the ‘unification’ of Bowls across NSW in May 2021, there was no official Pennant, as such, for the 2021/22 season (which would have normally been played in the early months of 2022).

However, the A&DBA Board recognised that it was very important that some form of ‘organised’ bowls took place to ensure that bowlers could get on the greens and that Clubs had the opportunity to make some much needed cash after 2 tough years of COVID lockdowns/restrictions. Consequently, the Board put a proposal to Clubs who enthusiastically and equivocally supported it, and which culminated in the Border Club Challenge (BCC).

Five Divisions were proposed, with NABC entering a Team in each, with two being entered in Division 4. Some of the Clubs included Ladies in their Teams, including NABC.

At the conclusion of of the season, which had a few hiccups through wet weather and COVID outbreaks, NABC attained the following results:

  • Division 1: finished 1st (top of ladder)
  • Division 2: finished 4th
  • Division 3: finished 5th
  • Division 4: Section 1 – NABC Green finished 1st and Section 2 – NABC Gold finished 1st
  • Division 5: finished 1st

The teams that finished 1st and 2nd in each Division (except Division 4) played off in the Final. The teams that finished 1st in Sections 1 and 2 of Division 4 played off in the Final. All Finals were scheduled for Saturday 26th March, however, due to a COVID situation with one of the Teams in Division 5, their Final was postponed to Saturday 2nd April.

The following is a summary of NABC’s participation in the Finals:

Division 1

NABC played Henty at Culcairn, with the Henty combination getting off to a ‘flyer’ with the “Hopper” Boys caught napping. Andrew Hirst’s team were 11 down after 7 ends, however they started to ‘gell’ and get their game going getting a 5, then a 3, then a 4, and were right back in it. Through consistent play and a great joint-Team effort they passed their opposition and went onto win 27-17. Duane Crow’s Team were down 5 early in their game, but again, the “Hopper” determination ‘kicked-in’ and they went onto win convincingly 41-16. Stephen Broad’s Team had a titanic tussle all day with their opposition with both teams going shot-for-shot. However, Henty prevailed in the end going onto win by 5 shots.  But overall, the “Hoppers” won on the day (2-1 Rinks) with Troy Campion, Tim Kramer and Daniel Markham winning their first Division 1 Premiership; well done Guys.

Division 4

Division 4 saw both “Hopper” Teams, NABC Green and NABC Gold, playing each other at Henty. After some confusion in taking the relevant ‘team photos’ the games eventually got underway.

Green’s Stewart Ronan’s and Mick Baz’s Teams had convincing wins, 30-15 and 29-15 respectively. However, the other game between Green’s Scott Ronan’s Team and Gold’s George Elliott’s Team turned out to be a ‘cliff-hanger‘. Going into the second-last end George’s Team was down 12 shots, but George “threw caution to the wind” and played his ‘powerplay’. They managed to “jag” 6, which in effect became 12,  thereby going into the last end with both teams level. However, Scott’s Team prevailed and came out the victor winning 29-28. From all accounts all the games were played in a very high competitive spirit with BOG (Best on Green) awards going to Jeanette Tuckwell, Gerry Stakelum and Simon Ried. Well done everybody!

Division 5

The Division 5 Team played Walla Walla at Henty, and a big thank-you to Henty for a great venue. Unfortunately Walla prevailed on the day winning all 3 Rinks. The “Hoppers” knew it was going to be a tough game based on their last two encounters with Walla. The game was played in great spirit with Walla deserving the win. The “Hopper’s” Team was very appreciative of the supporters that came out to watch, and a big thank-you to District President, Rob Unsworth, for his visit and presentation of the trophy. Well done Guys!


(Posted 17 March 2022)

Last Sunday (13 March) saw NABC duo Norm Honey and Stephen Broad play-off for the 2022 A&DBA Open Singles at North Albury. The game attracted a number of spectators who witnessed an excellent game of bowls.

Norm won the first end and was holding 3 shots on the next end before Stephen drew a shot with his final bowl of the end. The tussle continued with Broady going out to a 10-4 lead, which he extended to 18-6 after 20 ends. However, the score did not actually reflect the closeness of the game with both players playing some excellent shots.

Norm fought back playing some excellent shots and reduced the margin to 21-10. The match continued at a very highly competitive standard; one end Norm was holding 4 shots, only to see Broady drive the kitty into the ditch and hold 1 shot.

Stephen went onto win 25-13, in what  could be called an outstanding game by both players. Well done Guys.


(Posted 13 March 2022)

Earlier today saw a large gathering of Members and their Partners at the Clubrooms for the drawing of the “300 Club”. The event was organised as a fund-raiser towards the cost of the new mower (see photo), which according to Greenkeeper, Garry Broad, “is working like a charm”.

The major prize winner (of $750) was Nichole Ronan. There were also five other (monetary) consellation prizes, and these winners were Warren Paul ($350), John Blomeley ($150), and three $50 prizes, which went to Andrew Hirst, Mark Sheridan and Bob Parks. 

A big thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket and to Ken Hanna and “Nuts” for cooking the BBQ  and to Steve Martini and his Team for all the behind-the-scenes work on the day.

Don’t forget the other big fund-raiser – the “Mega Raffle”, funds of which are also going towards the mower cost; see the “flyer” above and also around the Clubrooms. This will be drawn on Saturday 26th March at the end-of-year function for the Border Cup Challenge. Tickets are available at the Clubrooms or contact Troy Campion (Ph 0408 362 928).


(Posted 21st February 2022)

At the invitation of the Moyhu Bowling Club, a team from NABC travelled to the tiny hamlet recently to participate in an Over-60s event.

Moyhu is a small country Club approximately 25kms south-east of Wangaratta, which was formed in 1971. The Club has one carpet green.

NABC’s team consisted of Rob Unsworth (L), Lloyd Ronan (2nd), John Eddy (3rd) and Dave Limbrick (Skip) – this was Dave’s first venture into the O60s.

16 Teams competed with the “Hoppers” coming out eventual winners on the day, even though they were playing on a completely different and challenging surface to what they are accustomed to and which took a while to adapt to. They won their first game 8-7, their second game 16-2 and their third game 15-5.

From all accounts, the team had an enjoyable day with the win being extra special for John as this was his first competition winning side since he commenced playing bowls many years ago – well done Guys!!!


(Posted 20th February 2022)

Last Sunday saw North Albury duo Andrew Hirst and Duane Crow win the Open Border Challenge Cup (BCC) Pairs Championships for 2022. Coincidentally the pair won the A&DBA Pairs Champions last year. This year their opponents were Club team-mates, Stephen Broad and Steve Martini.

The Duo raced to a 6-0 advantage after 2 ends and held their opponents at bay to lead 13-6 after 10 ends. By the end of 15 ends their buffer had been extended to 20-9 and the match was declared at 25-11 after 19 ends.

Well done guys – the pressure is on next year to complete the triple.


(Posted 16th January 2022)

Earlier today saw 14 Teams vying for the annual Lester & Son Trophy. The format for the day was 2 games of 12 ends of 2-bowls Triples, and competition was very keen if the banter heard throughout the day  was any indication.

This year was the 60th consecutive year that Lester & Son have sponsored this event, and the Club extends its sincere thanks to Darren Eddy and his Team for the continuous sponsorship – very much appreciated !!!!

Eventual winners of the day were Dave Mason, Chankie Tamang and Lionel Loveless. Runners-up were Jeanette Tuckwell, Jack Castles and Dave Limbrick. Third place-getters were Bill Jones, Jodie Cooper and Josh Huggins.

Resting touches for the day were won by Lachie Hair, John Eddy and Jack Castles. 

Winners of the ‘Lead’, ‘Second’ and ‘Skip’ were Lachie Hair, Ron Boughton and Neville Wegener respectively.

A big thanks to the 2 Steves (Martini and Broad) and Frank Guivarra for their “behind-the-scenes” work, and a big thanks to Wayne Price and Leigh Booth for cooking the BBQ.

Photos of the day can be found in the “Photo Galleries” section of the website – if anyone else has some photos of the day please email them to Col Johnson (

Darren Eddy (from Lester & Son) with Dave Mason, Chankie Tamang & Lionel Loveless


(Posted 4th June 2021)

Following an intense voting regime over the last 2 weeks of May on “unification”, the results were finally announced earlier this week with a definite “yes” – to see the media release and official voting results go to

Although the agreed voting process between the ‘men’ and the ‘women’ was slightly different, the final outcome was clearly a ‘yes’.

The ‘men’ voted at club-level with their result defining how their Zone voted, and then each of the 16 Zones together with 7 delegates from Bowls NSW voted on both motions – the result being a 100% ‘yes’ vote on each motion. (Note: NABC held our vote on 23 May)

The ‘women’ voted at club-level then they had to register at state-level and cast their vote. At the closing of votes, 335 clubs had registered although only 317 voted with a 99.05% ‘yes’ vote on both motions.

The new entity is to be known as Bowls New South Wales Limited and commenced operations on 31 May 2021 with the task of ‘pulling together’ the operations and administration of both former state organisations into one.

According to the latest “Q&A on Unification” media release dated 12 March 2021 (which can be viewed at and select “unification news”), the unification will have little effect initially at club-level and clubs will not be required to merge (see response to Q14). In the interim, the new entity will be developing guidelines, processes, etc. to assist and support clubs seeking to merge. For those wishing to find more information, particularly on competition and events see the responses to Q9 and 10 on the latest “Q&A”.

President’s Newsletter

(Up-dated 9th August 2023)

Only the three latest Newsletters are available. Select the relevant one and download it to view it.